Saturday, April 21, 2012

Security tips for Password


Today My topic contain about password types and some tips on it. Generally passwords are use on internet and for securing your PC or its documents. Passwords are two types first is Strong password and second is Weak or poor password. 

What is Weak password?

1. Password size is less than 6 or 8 characters.

2. Hackers are using dictionary attack which contain some common passwords list. If your   password is common than your password will be hack for e.g password,admin,123456 etc.
3. Password is one of your family members name like mother's name,father's name or pet's name etc.
4. Girlfriend or boyfriend name, his or her birth date.
5. Mobile Number,Phone Number.

Many more common things are involve in weak password. Many peoples are creating their passwords using above methods. If you are using  Weak password than it is not safe for you.

Strong Password

1. Password size is more than 8 characters.
2. Password must contain characters like (!@#$... ,ABCD..,abcd..,1234..).
3. Don't share your password to any one.
4. Change password regularly after some days or months.
5. Don't store your password in PC or Mobile.

So If you want to be safe than go for strong password. Hackers are very accurate so that they can crack or hack your strong password but it takes time for it. I will discuss more security tips later.

Thats it!

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